- When will my post be published?
- We are using the User Registration system to reduce problematic contents that may defame or slander users or illegal contents.
However, some users may find it inconvenient to log-in before using our services.
In order to ameliorate this inconvenience, we made it possible to make post without logged-in.
So our staff will review posts that are made without user log-in.
If you make post while logged-in, your post will be published immediately.
If you make post without user log-in, your post will be reviewed and published typically within 1 to 3 days.
(If you scheduled a future post, the post will be published on the scheduled date.)
If we decide that the post has problematic contents or it violates our terms of use, we will not be able to publish it.
Please understand and agree with this before you use our service.
We will not send you notification in such cases.
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
- 这座博物馆位于Anpanman的创造者柳濑隆的故乡,儿童和成人都可以在这里找到乐...
这座博物馆位于Anpanman的创造者柳濑隆的故乡,为儿童和成人提供乐趣。卡米市柳濑隆纪念馆的简单骰子形状的Anpanman博物馆被郁郁葱葱的大自然所包围,四楼的画廊展示了柳濑为该博物馆制作的Anpanman大型桌面绘画和原版图画。在地下室的Anpanman世界里,一个再现Anpanman的朋友们所居住的街道的透视图被铺开。 在相邻的《诗与美露恩》图画书博物馆,游客可以看到柳濑的其他作品,包括柳濑...
(0887) 59-2300香美市立やなせたかし記念館
- 高知县历史和民俗博物馆于1991年5月在南国市的Okahoyozan开放,作为一...
在《论语》中,它被说成是 "格物致知",历史也被比喻为开启未来的指南针。高知县历史和民俗博物馆于1991年5月在南国市的Okahoyozan开放,作为一个综合性的历史博物馆,希望通过研究土佐人的足迹,将成果传给现在和未来的人・,为促进县级文化作出贡献,并建立一个利用传统的独特地方。 博物馆收集和保存县内历史・考古・和民俗领域的资料,进行研究和调查,并通过常设展览、特别展览、讲座、令人兴奋的工作(儿...
(088) 862-2211高知県立歴史民俗資料館